
Welcome to PintSwap - a P2P Decentralized Exchange


PintSwap is a DEX protocol using a hybrid OTC/orderbook model made possible by the PintSwap protocol.

Trades within PintSwap make use of a peer-to-peer sMPC protocol that enables two traders to compute a one-time smart contract bytecode snippet, which is then deployed to any supported EVM network from the shared wallet. Trades are executed entirely using this transaction script, which is packed with offline signatures to permit token spends.

The PintSwap protocol libraries include an SDK which can be embedded in a web app or a server-side application. PintSwap also ships with a daemon process and CLI tool to trade entirely from the shell of a trusted machine. Trades executed from the CLI make use of flashbots-compatible RPC endpoints where PintSwap trades can often be executed on the very next block after dispatch, at a competitive execution price.

The PintDAO delegates to an MEV engine, codenamed the OPPS, that actively matches orders on PintSwap internally, as well as via DEX aggregators, packing trade executions into MEV bundles dispatched similar to CLI trades. This means PintSwap traders can get the fastest and most efficient execution across all networks, once they mark their OTC trade to be published.

PINT stakers receive the upside of any MEV captured by the OPPS, so protocol revenue can be captured entirely by stakers in a decentralized manner.


Phase 1

The first stage of the PintSwap deployment plan is to launch the webapp MVP, which will support the entire featureset of the PintSwap protocol and enable permissionless ERC20 trade on supported networks.

We have met this objective already.

Phase 2

The order matching engine is a closed source parallelized process that will actively match orders internal to the PintSwap public orderbook but also fall back to DEX aggregators and our own MEV binaries. All matching/arbitrage is executed via the MEV RPC endpoints, including flashbots, and MEV captured by the PintSwap protocol is fed back into the sipERC20 vaults and flows back to the PINT staking system.

When Level 2 is deployed to production, we will launch the PINT token and staking contracts.

Phase 3

Development and deployment of PINTBOT on Telegram will provide facilities for non-technical users to trade algorithmically with the PintSwap protocol. The Telegram bot will provide controls to a fully managed PintSwap daemon process hosted for each user.

This will allow regular traders to get upside from MEV strategies and bundled execution / order matching / aggregation that the PintSwap engine provides.

Last updated